Explore How Our Solar Solutions Have Empowered Businesses

Welcome to our case study section, where we showcase real-life examples of successful solar PV installations. Harness the power of the sun and unlock numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and energy independence.

Explore How Our Solar Solutions Have Empowered Businesses

Welcome to our case study section, where we showcase real-life examples of successful solar PV installations. Harness the power of the sun and unlock numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and energy independence.

Explore How Our Solar Solutions Have Empowered Businesses

Welcome to our case study section, where we showcase real-life examples of successful solar PV installations. Harness the power of the sun and unlock numerous benefits, including cost savings, environmental sustainability, and energy independence.

Case Study: Hamilton & Lynfield House

Description: Our client is now benefiting through self generation, reducing their annual energy spend by 25%.


System Size


Annual Generation


Annual Electricity Savings


C02 Reduction

Project Overview

“We engaged with Envo Energy Solutions Limited and subsequently commissioned them to Install solar to both our buildings in Altrincham, circa 300 panels. The works commenced on the agreed date with a small onsite team, heavy work to transport panels to the roof were very efficient, quiet and co-operative throughout the process with no disturbance to the offices. Commissioning took place within the agreed timescales with instant production and therefore saving against our energy bills. I have monitored readings closely over the last 2 months and believe current generation is a little better than Envo had first calculated, which is Very pleasing as this will in turn reduce the payback period”

Paul Rogers

Asset Manager, Patrick Properties

Results Achieved

System Size and Generation: The solar installation with a system size of 128 kW generated 106,157 kWh of clean energy annually. This significant output illustrates the effectiveness of our solar solutions.

  • Annual Electricity Savings: This installation resulted in a 25% reduction in electricity consumption, yielding substantial energy savings for our client. The adoption of solar power not only decreases reliance on traditional energy sources but also leads to considerable cost savings.

  • CO2 Reduction: Thanks to the solar energy generated by this installation, an estimated 22,959 kg of CO2 emissions were prevented from entering the atmosphere each year. This reduction underscores the environmental benefits of using solar energy and reflects our commitment to sustainability.